
Things Every Business Should Know About Network Security

With the increases in network security breaches in the last few years, it is imperative that businesses become more aware of how these breaches are happening and what steps can be taken to prevent them. While there is no 100% fool-proof way of stopping every kind of security breach, with a little knowledge and foresight, businesses can prevent the majority of attacks.

Data Risk Prevention Steps You Must Take

In today’s increasingly mobile business world, there is always a risk of losing important data to malware attacks, accidents or end-user negligence. With advanced technology, however, businesses can minimize their risk of data loss by identifying and monitoring data and putting in place certain safeguards to help protect it from loss.

Technology Policies All Businesses Should Have

You own a business and your business uses computers and the Internet. Do you regulate how your employees use their work computers? Should you? Can you?

The answers to these questions are complicated, but they are vital to your business’s success; even a small business can lose over a thousand dollars a minute when its systems are down.

Should Your Business Migrate to Office 365?

If you want to use your IT staff most effectively, sooner rather than later you should be considering a move to the cloud with Office 365. Smaller businesses in particular can really profit from leveraging the research and development of this Microsoft designed solution to reduce or eliminate the amount of pressure on a small IT department to ensure servers are operating appropriately.

Security Risks When Using Android

Many SMBs and corporations have shied away from allowing or using Android devices in the workplace because of possible security risks. Most of the security risks involved are related to the open development nature of the system, which allows hackers easier access to the OS and makes it easier for them to get their malware app out there.