
Coming Back From a Bad Hire

So, you’ve hired a couple of employees that have turned out to be complete failures. Now, since you’ve tasted failure, you may be afraid to hire anyone else, even when you need them. Every mistake can build your business, so you shouldn’t be viewing bad hires as anything other than a learning experience.

Should You Be Friends With Your Employees?

The title of the article is somewhat of a loaded question because it implies that there is a controlled choice in the matter. If an employee and manager are friends prior to hiring, that situation has to be reviewed in advance of the hiring decision to avoid a potential conflict of interest within the department.

Why Being Transparent As a Business Matters

It’s true; you’ve probably heard the word “transparent” used more as a buzzword than an actual concept behind running a business. This can make it difficult to figure out just exactly what it means and how important it is. We tend to use the word transparent when we are referring to politicians and the campaigns that they run.

Rethinking Your Emails to Customers

It’s true that social media and mobile marketing campaigns are, in fact, gaining tons of traction. However, email marketing is not only still relevant—it’s still effective and a popular channel to get the word out. In fact, it may still be the most effective way to acquire new customers—when you rethink the emails you’re sending.