
Do You Need an Email Autoresponder?

Some people believe that autoresponders are just a little too impersonal and that they don’t convert or result in any good except for a click or two. Sometimes they don’t even result in that and you get stuck in the spam folder. All of the hard work you put into your autoresponder was for nothing, and you don’t like wasting your time and money on things that don’t work.

All About Microsoft 2016’s New Business Features

It’s here: Microsoft 2016 has finally come to greet businesses and individuals alike, and while the program is essentially the same as the last release, there are still some major changes. Some of the new features include tons of new productivity-boosting tools that anyone who may stray from tasks a little too often will love, among other things.

Features Any Work Laptop Needs

Once upon a time, it was rumored that the de facto standard of excellence for a business work laptop was the IBM ThinkPad. There are those who may disagree with this, but even when IBM sold off its laptop business to Chinese manufacturer Lenovo, the ThinkPad was still highly sought after on the basis of its reputation.

Things Every Business Should Know About Network Security

With the increases in network security breaches in the last few years, it is imperative that businesses become more aware of how these breaches are happening and what steps can be taken to prevent them. While there is no 100% fool-proof way of stopping every kind of security breach, with a little knowledge and foresight, businesses can prevent the majority of attacks.