Ransomware Continues to Evolve

“What’s old is new again.”

The simple truth is that tastes and trends seem to repeat. We’ve seen it countless times in the world of fashion, and now, we’re seeing something similar in the hacking community.

Over the past year or so, hackers around the world have come to rely increasingly on a type of malware called “ransomware,” which encrypts all the files on your computer, requiring you to send money (typically in the form of Bitcoin) if you want your files unlocked.

Would Your Employees Sell Company Passwords For Less Than $1000?

Your employees are your biggest, most important, most valuable asset. Everybody who knows anything about business understand that. Unfortunately, your biggest asset is also your biggest liability, at least when it comes to data security. Recently, SailPoint conducted its annual Market Pulse Survey, a part of which explored various aspects and dimensions of enterprise data security, and the results weren’t pretty.

CNBC May Have Your Password and Shared It

Recently, CNBC ran an article on password security. Embedded in the article was a tool they invited readers to use to test the strength and integrity of their passwords. The tool was supposed to estimate how long it would take a hacker to “crack” your password, and the tool was given with assurances that passwords would not be stored, and would not be sent to third parties.